Guyver Wiki

Archanfel in both his Human and Zoalord form in the anime.

Archanfel (アルカンフェル Arukanferu also: Alkanphel) is one of the main antagonists of Guyver: Bioboosted Armour and is the co-founder of Chronos, (the other being Barcas 'The Elder') Archanfel is the second oldest being on the planet and is the most powerful being on Earth. He is the most powerful psychic with amazing battle abilities, thats limitations are still unknown; and is both the ruler of the world and leader of the Council of Twelve. Archanfel was created by theCreators to be the leader of all the Zoanoids and the people on Earth, as well as eleven other lesserZoalords who were meant to be his generals of the Zoanoid armies. TheZoacrystals that give Zoalords their powers were all cultivated using Archanfel's crystal as a base.


Archanfel appears to be a young Caucasian man with neck long white hair, elegant pointed ears and yellow cat slit eyes while in his human form and a slick skinny Zoalord while in his battleform. His Zoacrystal is hidden well under his skin and is only visible when active (it emits a radiant glow under his layer of skin) or in his battleform. Archanfel has various forms of attire, ranging from a businessman like suit, a long cape and battle armor, as well as a royal gown and cloak. 

Archanfel's Zoalord battleform is gold with numerous crystals and gravity spheres covering his whole body, enhancing his incredible power. Each of them can emit and glow various colors and he is surrounded by a powerful golden aura. His Zoalord battleform also appears to have some type of hair substance thats infused with his skin itself. He has long extending shoulder like protrusions and his Zoacrystal is both the largest of all the Zoalords and unlike the other Zoalords' Zoacrystals, that are red and emit a red glow, Archanfel's is a deep purple and glows an almost violet color.

Quoted from book 14, page 16: 

"And then... cleaving and cultivating one of Archanfel's Zoacrystals, we created eleven others. Accepting one of them, I became a Zoalord. In the centuries since then, I have searched for the ten chosen people who would become Zoalords as well."


Archanfel is cold, ruthless, sadistic and merciless. He uses his incredible power to intimate those around him, and force them to either submit to him, or outright kills them; even those who are loyal to him, or that he can control. Archanfel cares more about his own secracy and hiding his existence from the world then he does for the lives of his men. To this extent anyone who sees Archanfel is immediately killed. 

Archanfel seems to have a taste for making those he kills suffer, this may be a genetic form of brutality as Archanfel was the Creator's greatest and most powerful creation. He may have an inherent desire to kill things in excruciatingly painful ways. This has been observed when he used his telekinesis to twists his Zoanoid forces bodies in impossible ways, killing them in an agonizing manner. Cracking their skulls open slowly, crushing their bones, twisting their bodies in various directions as well as crushing their skulls. He also has a tendancy to taunt those he kills; often mocking them with their insignficant power to his own, and displaying his supremacy to them; while also intimidating them both emotionally and psychologically. Such as when he froze Aptom in place, and mocking him before he blew him into pieces with a powerful energy blast, or when he ripped out Guyot's Zoacrystal from his skull.

Because of this nature, the Council has come to fear Archanfel but also see him as their wise, ruthless and powerful leader; someone they could admire and look up to, while also seeing him as somewhat of a mysterious figure who often disappears. Despite this, Archanfel has been seen to care for his Zoalords, and entrusts them to do his bidding on the Earth. He has been seen to have a different side when in the pressence of both Dr. Barcas and Imakurum Mirabilis, his second in command and his personal body guard. Archanfel was enraged to discover many of his Zoalords have perished in battle, and entrusted Mirabilis with the mission of destroying the Guyvers on his behalf.



Archanfel, resting along with all of the other creatures that had been abandoned by the Advents on the island of Silha.

Although it is uncertain how old Archanfel is, it is assumed that he was created by the Creators around 100,000 years ago. He was created with the sole purpose of serving the Creators by leading their Zoanoid armies in battle and commanding lesser Zoalords who would serve as his own personal generals. 

However, ultimately this plan was to be abandoned and the experiment scrapped. A few days after completing their experiments, one of the Creators was curious as to what would happen if they equipped one of the humans with the Creator's own space suit and began to run a new series of tests and experiments. 

The result was the creation of a being that would later come to be known as "Guyver"; a word that roughly translate to "out of control" in the Creator's language. The results shocked the Creators, the suit increased the human's strength, characteristics and capabilities well over a 100 times and made him stronger than when the Creators themselves wore the armor. The suit also gave the human a number of unforseen capabilties and weapons at his disposal but most terrifying of all, is that the suit completely freed it's host from the telepathic commands of the Creators themselves, and the human could not control the suit, as the suit possessed the incredible ability to detect numerous threats to the hosts exsistence and proceeded to act on it's own as it had the outstanding fighting ability within itself. Thus, the human could not control the suit or himself, it was out of control. The Creators called this product: "Guyver".

After suffering from severe attacks from the Guyver (that would later be known as Guyver 0) the Creators unleashed their Zoanoid armies to stop him. To their horror, their Zoanoid forces were all but slaughtered by this new being, Archanfel, incredibly loyal of his own free will to the Creators, volunteered to fight this being of his own free will, but was ordered to stay back from the Creators. Eventually they allowed him to fight the Guyver 0 but only after arming him with the Unit Remover. Archanfel easily stopped the Guyver 0, removed the Unit from it's host and killed the human who was equipped with it. After the short but incredibly devastating experiment and battle, the Creators came together to discuss this new issue and threat.

This new experiment was horrifying, and unacceptable; eveything the Creators had made was designed to be controlled by either one of their creations, or by them, to ensure obedience and loyalty within their subjects. Even Archanfel, for all his sheer power, was subserviant to their will. The fact that the suit could free a mere human from the Creators telepathic commands and give the human so much power was considered abhorrent and intolerable. Even worse was the probability of any of their subjects, human, Zoanoid or otherwise, coming into contact with the Creators' space suits was very high and thus a considerable threat to their existence. The idea that Archanfel or one of his Zoalords might equip one of their Units - and hence become a Guyver himself - terrified them; for if the Unit increased a humans abilities and powers it surely would for a Zoalord, but by how much not even they could calculate or comprehend. It would create a being with tremendous power that would be free from all mental control or influence. Despite the fact that Archanfel was completely loyal to them of his own free will, loving them as somewhat of parental figures and reverencing them as gods, still would not be enough to convince the Creators that he would not betray them.

Suddenly and without warning the Creators all began to depart and leave the planet, uncertain of what was transpiring Archanfel chased after them, following them into space, hoping they would take him with them; but to his horror they rejected him and abandoned him to the planet. After explaining to Archanfel that he was not allowed to come and must remain on the planet they secretly sent a massive meteor to destroy it. They decided that they would end the threat on Earth by destroying the planet itself and eradicting all life on it. Once Archanfel became aware of these plans he acted on his own to stop them. The Creators attempted to stop him, attacking him with a powerful psychic attack leaving him crippled and drifting in space.

Archanfel, driven by rage, determination to survive, and feelings of betrayal by those who had created him, transformed into his Zoalord form and prepared to defend the Earth while defying the Creators of his own sheer will power. Concentrating his considerable psionic power, he propelled himself through space and shattered the meteor into innumerable smaller fragments. Archanfel demostrated incredible power and will, able to break free of the Creators telepathic commands himself even without the use of the Unit. Though some of the meteor fragments did manage to penetrate the atmosphere of the Earth and cause a minor ice-age.

Falling back to Earth, exhaused by the ordeals, Archanfel was found unconscious by the Zoanoids. In their grattitude for his selfless act, they built a temple for him on what would later become his sanctuary island known as Silha. There he slipped into a deep coma for hundreds of thousands of years, unaware of the development of civilization on Earth, and the passing of time around him. There he would remain until a fateful day when a lone explorer washed up on the shore of his island and discovered him.


Archanfel Battleform

Archanfel in his battleform.

Once he had come into contact with the man who would become Hamilcar Barcas, Archanfel decided that he would find the Creators. His intentions for doing so are not known at this time. What is known is that he sent Barcas to find and recruit ten other men like himself, to form the basis of the secret organization that would come to be known as Chronos.

The first to be found by Barcas in his search was not a human at all, but another abandoned expirement of the Creators. The creature's name was Waferdanos, and though he possessed tremendous power of his own on his own island - ruling over a kingdom composed of "Subjecti"; plant-based creatures who seem to share some notable characteristics with Zoanoids - he was completely unaware of anything outside his shores. Eager for new experiences, and supremely grateful to the man who had made it possible for him to leave the confines of his island, Waferdanos became one of Barcas' staunchest supporters, and a loyalist of Archenfel. Once Waferdanos had been fully prepared to join the Council as a Zoalord, a process that has not been described in any real detail, Barcas returned to his search.

The next men mentioned are those who would become the Zoalords Sin Rubeo Amniculus, in Armenia, and Friedrich von Purgstall, in Vienna. Unknown to all but a select few Zoalords, Archanfel has not completely recovered from the Creators' attack. He is increasingly prone to periods of dormancy.

The World Before X-Day

Before Chronos' long-planned rise to power, Archanfel seemed content to live in the shadows of history, emerging from his seclusion on Silha only to oversee the processing of other members of his Council.

One such processing was that of the future traitor, Richard Guyot. This was possibly also where he became aware of the existance of Masaki Murakami, perhaps leading to his selection of the former Proto-Zoalord to become a member of his Council. This, however, is complete speculation.

What is known from canon sources is that Archanfel left Dr. Barcas in charge of the day-to-day running of Chronos in his stead.

When he at last became fully aware of the scope of Richard Guyot's treason, and the ambition that his youngest Zoalord had been concealing, he left his sanctuary island and came to confront him at Relic's Point, meeting up and dealing with Aptom on his way there. The ensuing battle destroyed the entire facility, and also lead to the eruption of Mt. Minakami. The hidden Relic - one of the few Advent spacecraft left on the planet, and the only one in any kind of flyable condition - was also destroyed; though this happened at the end of the battle, and was an effort to finally terminate the two remaining Guyvers that would ultimately fail, but Archanfel didn't know this for some time.

Once Guyot and the Guyvers had both been apparently terminated, Archanfel turned his attention to the dying Proto-Zoalord that had fallen at his feet. Knowing that he would need twelve Zoalords to fulfil the plans that he had been working to implement since the formation of Chronos, he took the Proto-Zoalord with him when he left the remains of Mt. Minakami.

He likely also took the remains of the Relic with him when he left.

The World After X-Day

Archanfel Robe

Archanfel, in the white robe and armor that he wears after X-Day was put into affect.

After Chronos became the sole power in the world, Archanfel's daily life didn't change much, nor did his attitudes. He was still indifferent to the minutia of overseeing Chronos, and content to leave such things in the hands of Dr. Barcas. However, thanks to the presence of Imakarum Mirabilis, he was able to have a much more direct presence among the Council.

The remains of the Relic that had survived Mt. Minakami's eruption - however many of them there were after the Relic had been subjected to the force of one-and-a-half Mega Smasher blasts - were taken to Chronos' Dead Sea Plant to be used in the construction of a large-scale transport ship called the Ark.

Archenfel's health has continued to decline, leading to increasingly frequent - and lengthened - periods of dormancy. One of these was disturbed by an attack on Imakarum by Gigantic Dark that crippled the Zoalord and left him in an almost catatonic state. Linked as he was to Imakarum's mind, Archanfel felt the attack as well.

Rushing to the younger Zoalord's side, Archanfel carried him to the sanctuary at Silha, placing him inside the same artificial womb that had sustained him for so long to heal and to regain his strength.

Once Imakarum had been returned to full heath with the aid of the stored solar energy that the Relic had gathered to that point, Archanfel was forced to return to his sanctuary island. For a time he remained in hibernation. Now that he has awakened once again, and is fully aware of the events that have taken place in his absence, things are likely to escalate again.

Powers and Abillities

Archanfel is not only a Zoalord but the original Zoalord created by the Creators. The other Zoalords' crystals were cultured from with their biology and forms were meant to mimic his. Because all Zoacrystals come from Archenfel's crystal, it is stated that Archenfel has the combined power of the other Zaolords. Barcus also stated that Archenfel's power eclipsed the rest of the Council and that even all of the other Zoalords combined couldn't match him.

