Guyver Wiki

Thancrus (also: Zankles) was a Hyper-Zoanoid in Guyver, and a member of the Hyper-Zoanoid Elite Squad, known as the “Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five”.

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The "Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five".

He was created by Dr. Barcas, as were the rest of the “Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five” members, both to be the fastest Hyper-Zoanoid and to excel in hand-to-hand combat. He was optimized with the best technology available in Chronos at that time, as were the other members of the team, to be the "Best of the Best!" and was said to be as fast, if not faster, than a Guyver. Equipped with two High-Frequency Wave Vibration Blades to replace his hands and arms, and with a (heat) Radiation Fin running down his back to cool his body temperature when traveling at high speeds, this Hyper-Zoanoid may be the deadliest in close quarter combat.

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Thancrus was introduced in the 2005 Anime series of Guyver, with the rest of the “Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five” when Guyver III 

Thancrus Human

Thancrus in both his Human and Hyper-Zoanoid form in the 2005 Anime Series.

was making his escape with Tetsuro, Mizuki, and Fumio Fukamachi, from Mt. Minakami.  Guyver III was intercepted by the “Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five” and was overwhelmed by their greater power, and team work. (Also due to the fact that he had already exhausted much of his own power contributed to him being overwhelmed.)  Guyver III was about to be apprehended by them, when Guyver I broke into the Transport Line and came to the aid of Guyver III. He hesitated for a moment when he heard the true identity of Guyver III, which gave Thancrus more than enough time to charge and attack Guyver I. Thancrus had the upper-hand on Guyver I, bragging about his speed and even saying “Ha! You’re quicker than I expected, but not quick enough!” And subsequently was cut off guard when Guyver I retaliated with his own High-Frequency Wave Vibration Blades, resulting in a High-Frequency Lock, which causes the Frequencies to react and negate each other, causing a load stretching sound. After realizing that Guyver I was ready to counter-attack, Gaster was about to assist Thancrus when Guyver III used his Sonic Emitters to start their get-away. This allowed Guyver I, to grab Fumio and escape himself. When Guyver I was reunited

Thancrus Stabbing Guyver I

Thancrus battleing Guyver I.

with his companions, they were once again ambushed by the “Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five” Unable to repel Elegen’s electric attack Guyver I was literally “shocked out of his armor”. Guyver III, who was still wounded from their previous battle, was forced to use his Mega-smasher which bought them the time they needed to escape. Unfortunately, during the attack Fumio was captured by the “Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five” leader Zx-tole. Later that night Guyver I and Guyver III went back to Mt. Minakami to retrieve Fumio once again. On their way out they were greeted by Zx-tole, Elegen, and Thancrus. Wondering where the other two members where, Guyver III asked them where they sent Derzerb and Gaster. Zx-tole

Thancrus cleaved in half

Thancrus cleaved in half by Guyver III.

then told them that they were sent to the Guyver’s new base of operations to kidnap their friends. Guyver III then tells Guyver I to take Fumio back to the cabin and to save their friends from the other two Hyper-Zoanoids. Guyver III then proceeds to fight the other three Hyper-Zoanoids on his own. He soon after words enters a duel with Zx-tole, and realizes that he is still a formidable opponent. Zx-tole takes the upper hand and has Guyver III on the run, when Elegen uses his electric whip, and cracks Guyver III on the back, knocking him over into a ravine. The three Hyper-Zoanoids lose track of Guyver III and were completely caught off guard by his surprise attack on Thancrus. Hiding in the ground, Guyver III emerged from beneath Thancrus, cleaving him in half, and thus killing him.


In The Guyver - Bio-Booster Armor OVA, Thancrus is a Hyper-Zoanoid and still a member of the “Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five”.

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Thancrus preparing to cut Guyver I in the OVA.

He is said to be the fastest Zoanoid and might be faster than a Guyver. He was still created by Dr. Balkus, but unlike the ADV or in the Manga, Thancrus was one of Richard Guyot’s subordinates, instead of Dr. Balkus’s. He was a part of the Chronos operation that took place at Sho Fukamachi’s aka Guyver I’s school. And proceeded to capture and/or kill Guyver I. The attack on the school took place during school hours and many students were killed and the rest were rounded up by Chronos agents and were brainwashed of the event. Thancrus stopped Gaster from killing Guyver I with his liquid missiles, saying “It would destroy the Control Metal, as well.” And then proceeded to fight Guyver I in hand-to-hand combat. As in the ADV and Manga, Thancrus expresses that he is surprised that the Guyver is that fast, but still is no match for him, such as when he says “Ha! You are stronger than I expected! I’m surprised that you have any power left!” After slicing Guyver I, Thancrus tries to cut off Guyver I’s head, when Guyver I blocks Thancrus’s High-Frequency Wave Vibration Blade with his own, resulting in a High-Frequency Lock. Thancrus then jumps backwards to gain some distance from Guyver I when he is disintegrated by Guyver III’s Mega-smasher.

Murukami's Encounter

In the 2005 ADV Series DVD Cases, came a little pamphlet which talked about the story, plot, characters, powers,

Thancrus Photo

The Thancrus Proto-Type, and the Prime Minister of Cuba just before he was found cleaved in half.

and abilities of individuals in the Guyver. In the back of some of these pamphlets was a section of Mr. Murukami's personal encounters with the Proto-Types of the "Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five" as well as other Hyper-Zoanoids. After the Arizona Incident Mr. Murukami pledged to stop Chronos at any cost, and started out to do so. It proved difficult for him to keep track of there movements, but thanks to Chronos's tests on Hyper-Zoanoids he was able to keep track of them. One particular Incident occurred when the Prime Minister of Cuba was assassinated. Subsequently he was cleaved in half on national television and no one ever saw who the culprit was that killed him. Murukami heard of this outburst, and started his own research. He found that the Prime Minister and Chronos had gone way back, and all of a sudden the Prime Minister decided to walk out on Chronos. He examined a photo that was taken right before the Prime Minister fell down on the stage in half. In it appears to be a shadowy figure that looks like a Hyper-Zoanoid that resembles Thancrus. Mr. Murukami had concluded that Chronos had sent the Proto-Type of the Thancrus model to kill the Prime Minister.
